of my clothes, to know to wash my undies after each wearing, as girls do, and boys do not.
As a child I had plenty of time to myself, as both my parents worked nights and several days during the week. Every night from 5 or 6 in the evening until I A.M. I spent living and dressed as the girl I am and wanted to be.
How did I know as a teen-ager how to be able to go out in public as a girl, without any fear or misgivings. Living and doing as any young girl. Even to going dating and to school parties and dances, at a school where I was not known, day or night. Even to meeting some of my friends of my parents without being recognized.
Why was I then later able to assume the role of a woman so easily, the wearing of heels, with no discomfort, I did not have to learn to walk in them, nor did or do I find the bra or girdle uncomfortable, but find these things more normal feeling than the male clothes I was taught and trained to wear.
These things I now believe to be thru reincarnation - what
No. 2 We as girls have all experienced the feeling, after doing something new, that at some time or other we have done the very same thing before. Which brings to mind; several years ago I attended a Ball, I wore a French Countess Costume of high white wig, a hoop skirted gown, white gloves and carried a fan. I found no discomfort at all in my attire felt very much at home was able to get in and out of the car with ease also knew how to curtsy and handle the fan with no training. These things I used to wonder about and sometimes they would frighten me but now I am beginning to understand it all. Even to understanding dreams I have had for many years. In these dreams I am not a femme-personator or a transvestite - but a real woman. I am among friends that I know very well, but have never seen in this life, sometimes the dreams are of life of ancient times, others of modern times.
I know now that my life now as a woman is preparing me for a future life, one of which I know and hope to be a gracious lady and woman. If not gracious at least a lady.